Monday, May 7, 2007

New Jersey School Bus Crash

On Monday, May 7, 2007 two school buses wrecked at a stop sign while transporting children to the Barclay Brook and Brookside schools in the Monroe school district in New Jersey. Some children were taken to the hospital while others were treated at the nurses station in the school. covered the story in headline news on their website giving it a lot of attention. In response, the soecefic school's websites show nothing in response as of 3 p.m. the same afternoon. The Monroe school district has a main page and on that page on the top right there is a small link about the incident. It is a letter from the superintendent in regards to what happened. He tells spefics of what happened in the morning's events and how many children were injured etc. He gives no assurance to parents or no apologies. Just the facts and does not put into place a plan of action to prevent furture incidents. I think the response from the schools was executed poorly and should have given more of an emotional outake on parents and a reassurance to other parents that their children would make it home safely on the bus ride home.

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